Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Stupid Or. . . VERY Stupid?!


A love-struck woman has decided that the best way to express her undying, unflinching love for her Russian boyfriend is to tattoo his name all over her face. . . 24 hours after their first meeting!

The two humanoids say they first hooked up in an online chatroom (online chatroom again) and fell in love thereafter. They're hoping to get married in a matrimony that will hopefully last. . .

But if it doesn't, then the lady, Lesya Toumaniantz from Saransk, Russia, will have to seek out guys named 'Rusian' for dating. . . 'cos that's the signature name of her boyfriend which she has emblazoned in five-inch high gothic script on her face!

The foolish bride-to-be, said, "It’s a symbol of our eternal devotion. I’d like him to tattoo every inch of my body," according to the Huffington Post UK.

This lady's obviously for real. . . She's not faking it. . . And that's the frightening thing about it.

The boyfriend, Ruslan Toumaniantz, is not a stranger to negative headlines. He came into infamy last year after an 18 year old Belgian girl, Kimberley Vlaeminck, accused him of tattooing a galaxy of stars all over her face despite her asking for only one. She later retracted her story and confessed to lying in order to have an explanation for her angry father .

So Lesya is in good good hands. . . Her boyfriend has a history of riddling people's faces with tattoos. . .

. . . He knows what he's doing.

"Their plans for a life together include her learning to tattoo while she also gets the full-body ink that she’s always dreamed of (biomech is the current plan) — and of course a family," revealed a friend.

"I know that there are people who are terrified that Lesya has made a rash decision that she’ll regret horribly. . .

Me?. . . I wasn't thinking anything. . . Really.

". . . but sometimes the best decisions are the ones you make in an instant with your heart rather than the ones long-debated in your mind," the pal claimed.

Which planet did this dude drop from?

I've got a question for Lesya. . . How come Rusia doesn't tattoo your name on some part of his body. . . Just as an expression of his love?

We're assuming HIS love has some measure of expression.

Just hope that relationship, or marriage. . . or whatever it is they have going, works, 'cos if it doesn't, then I bleed for the poor sod who's going to be staring at another man's name. . .

. . . Everytime he kisses Lesya's face.

Who'd wanna go through that emotional rollercoaster?

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