It's being reported that a lion near the town of Kariba in Zimbabwe, has attacked a couple who was having sex outdoors. . . and killed the woman.
The woman, identified as Sharai Mawera, was having a jolly round(s) of sex in lion-infested outdoors of Kariba with her boyfriend, when the lion decided it'd had enough of the free show and needed some snack to pass the time.
The boyfriend, of course, escaped and tried to raise the alarm. People are wondering why it had to be the woman who suffered the attack. Well, it's simple. . .
. . . She was under, so when the man-eater attacked, boyfriend (who was ontop) saw said lion approaching, and jumped up.
Hope that answers everyone's questions.
The UK's Metro, Sun and Daily Mail newspapers reports that members of an apostolic sect who worshipped near the area where the tragedy happened fled after claiming to have seen seven lions in the area.
Wow! Seven lions? Guess that puts paid to further rompings in the bushes.
Associated Press reported wildlife rangers had put Kariba, a northern resort town beside a hydroelectric dam, on full alert after the maulings and The National Parks and Wildlife Authority said fliers were being handed out in the town and volunteers were using a loudspeaker to caution townspeople on the dangers of lion attacks on the shores of Lake Kariba.
For such a potentially lion-prone area, you'd wonder why a man and woman would take that kind of risk, just for the thrill of making love in the outdoors.
Well, not to make light of the situation, but next time you decide on hanging out in the outdoors with a lion hanging over your shoulder, I'd advise the woman to take the reins, and. . .
. . . Be on top. . . This time!
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