A lunatic man in tattered clothes and blood-soaked shirt yesterday scared the living daylight out of passengers in a Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) bus, when he gained access into the vehicle through the back door causing major panic.
When the madman suddenly jumped into the bus at Stadium Bus Stop in Lagos State at about 12 noon, running through the aisle, gesticulating and speaking incoherently, the passengers, naturally took the only sane and rational action available to them. . .
. . . They all freaked out, screaming and calling for their mummys, while those who could, jumped out of the windows!
After a few minutes of displaying the true nature of his mental condition, the lunatic finally occupied a vacant seat at the back of the vehicle, jumping up and sitting back simultaneously.
But of course he wasn't a passenger (even though he might have erroneously believed he was), so those passengers who managed to escape from the bus called the police .
Those who were trapped did nothing but pray and wish they were the invisible man.
I heard some even attempted to write their will at that time. . .
. . . Don't make that face: That's what I heard.
As for the crazy dude, he was chased off by the brave driver before the arrival of the police. . .
The operative word here is 'BEFORE'. . . Capisce?!
In the end, I draw conclusions from this story. . .
1. The driver should've been given a medal for his bravery. But he won't, 'cos our society doesn't reward bravery. . . Only cowardice and greed.
2. The passengers should wear the colour yellow for as long as it takes the Gidi government to get lunatics off our streets.
3. I just wish someone had captured it all on camera. . . !!!
Story Source: National Mirror
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