Instagram enthusiasts got a whole lot more than they bargained for when a Chicago Preacher, Bishop Trotter, posted this disturbing picture on Instagram of himself in the bath with his granddaughter!
The picture of course sparked off a wave of controversies, comments, allegations, condemnations. . . and curses. In the picture, Bishop Larry Trotter of the Sweet Holy Spirit Church, Chicago, and his granddaughter smile for the camera while covered in bubbles from the neck down. It is not clear whether they are naked.
But then again, you don't need clarity to make a guess.
The image has since gone viral, eliciting huge responses from the online community, with some calling for his head, and urging child protective services to get in on the act.
My first question was: What the F! was he thinking?!
Well, this might give us an idea: The Bishop called in to the John Hannah Morning Show on iHeart Radio - Inspiration 1390 and explains what happened.
Trotter says he was in the bathtub, his granddaughter walked in and asked him about the bubbles in the tub. He explained to her that they were bubbles just like the ones she played/bathed in when she was a baby. Enamored with the bubbles, she wanted to get it. From there he put on trunks, the child’s mother put trunks on her, and the two frolicked in the tub. Mom snapped a photo of the two in the tub and another family member who manages the Bishop’s social media posted the photo. According to the Bishop, it was nothing more and nothing less. He also went on to mention that he has bathed with all of his children, he was raised that way, and made mention of the fact that coming up he and siblings / other relatives even shared bathed water.
As much as I try to remain neutral, it becomes more and more difficult to rationalize this picture. It was a 50-50 thing for me, until the mum came into the act.
And maybe I could've slept well, even with the picture of his smiling face emblazoned in the back of my mind. . .
. . . But he had to go and mention that he had bathed with all of his children!
I guess they're right when they say, STOP AT THE FIRST SENTENCE!
If I study the picture from afar, place it in the light, go to church, come back and look at it again. . . I just can't rationalize the image.
Am I a dirty 'ol sod? Is it me, or is it Bishop Trotter.
I know I'm not dirty. . . at least not like THAT. . . So it MUST be Trotter!
But it can't be him, 'cos he is after all, a Preacher.
But then, that image of his smiling face in the bathtub with the girl!
Naahhh! I give up. You try. . . see if you can make better sense of this picture.
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