Friday, 23 November 2012

Einstein or Monroe - Who do you see? :D

                                Test for nearsightedness

This image, created by Dr. Aude Oliva, associate professor of cognitive science at MIT, wasn't originally intended as a test for myopia. Dr. Oliva uses images like this one to study how people absorb visual information: Close up we focus on the higher frequencies; from afar we register softer shapes. Now the test has been widely used as a simple test for short-sightedness.

An interesting test to try: If you see Merilyn Monroe at a closer distance, then you are a bit short-sighted, if Albert Einstein you are not. A person with a normal vision will see a smiling Merilyn Monroe if he/she goes a few meters away from the laptop screen, and an Einstein at a closer distance.

Who do you see? Einstein, Merilyn, Both or (None :(  )

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