An undaunted Piers Morgan continues to renew his calls for a ban on assault rifles even as the number of petitions from Americans for his ouster from the country continue to rise.
As at last count, 65,000 people have now signed the petition on the White House website, but the tough-talking Morgan is not fazed one bit. His reply on Twitter, saying, "Merry Christmas! Even to those who want me deported." says it all about his stance on the gun control debacle.
The death of two volunteer firefighters shot dead in New York seems to not only add fervor to his calls for a ban on assault rifles, but also support his views. . .
. . . But Americans are not budging. . . Seems they like their assault rifles way too much.
The CNN host and former Daily Mirror editor tweeted: "Americans murdered with assault weapons in movie theaters, temples, schools, shopping malls - now, as they put out fires. Where does it end?
"Come on America, ENOUGH: Ban assault weapons & high-capacity magazines, and enforce background checks on 100% of gun sales. Do it now."
The petition itself was lauched following Morgan's interview with the Gun Owners Of America executive director, Larry Pratt last week in the wake of the Sandy Hook School Shooting.
For those who missed the interview, I'd say, YOU MISSED A CLASSIC. It seemed to capture Morgan at his best: Mr. Pratt suggested that some of the victims could have been saved if the teaching staff had been armed and were therefore able to stop gunman Adam Lanza, claiming more guns were the answer.
Here's a Morgan interrupting and shouting over the man, and getting more stupefied and incredulous that Pratt was advocating more guns to a situation which in Morgan's view was already crammed full with arsenal.
You should've seen Morgan's face. . . it's to die for!
"You're an unbelievably stupid man, aren't you?" Mr Morgan asked him during the heated debate. "You have absolutely no coherent argument. You don't actually give a damn about the gun murder rate in America."
Following the interview, a Texas journalist posted the petition to eject him on the White House website. It alleges Mr Morgan "is engaged in a hostile attack against the US Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment".
One thing's clear to us though. . . even if it's not clear to Americans who're on the business end of those assault rifles:
You need to get yourselves straightened out and do something about your gun control laws!
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