A crocodile made away with a 12 year old boy in its mouth in the second fatal attack within two weeks in Australian Northern Territory.
'Initial reports suggest adults within the group tried to save the boy by spearing the animal, but the crocodile dragged the child out to deeper water,' said police Superintendent Michael White.
He said officers from an Aboriginal police station were remaining at the scene until dusk and would resume the search for the boy at first light on Sunday.
Although teams of police and rangers will continue the hunt for the youngster on Sunday they privately fear that the boy is well beyond help.
Source: Daily Mail
There is an ever present danger attached to swimming in waterways in northern Australia, but the people seem to like their little dips in the waters. The early November Crocodile attack in which a seven year old girl was snatched by a salt water crocodile 210 miles east of Darwin did not seem to discourage people from playing tap with 20 ft long crocodiles.
Even though the crocodiles are protected in the northern territory, leading to an increase in their numbers, the people are complaining that there are just too many crocodiles in the area.
Who should make way: The people or the Crocs?
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